Spring in the coldest of winters!

 I would not call this the coldest winter for me, since I live in Minnesota. Here, cold is cold as Sonnet Fitzgerald so nicely put, and a few less degrees does not really make a difference. If it is -20, we stay inside. If it is -30, we stay inside. Unless, of course, something needs doing, and then we suck it up, pile the clothes on (wool and fleece are nice), and brave the oh-so-ordinary winter.

Not to say that there isn't complaining. I love to complain about the weather. However, schools were closed Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th which allowed time for me to watch a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon and do the homework I had procrastinated on over Christmas break. So I wasn't complaining then.

Today we had especially nice weather. As I write this answer at 4:09 in the afternoon, it is 30 degrees F, and I almost feel as if jackets aren't necessary today.

The "warmth" will not last long I am afraid. The Winter Carnival has not even begun, and I predict winter to last well into June this year. OK, maybe not (but we did have snow into May last year)..

UK. This Winter has been very mild. Last year it lasted until April.

I survive this Winter like all the others, by putting a jumper on, keeping calm and drinking tea. I have some warm clothes from Canada, so I am unlikely to get cold, I even have Canadian mittens. Rather than blame Canada for the cold weather, I shopped in advance for clothes that would be warm in the Winter, figuring that Winter would be cold this year, which seems to have escaped the attention of a lot of people.

I haven't been flooded but it is pretty tense. You never know what damage could happen. Normally I take the kettle upstairs. I have a camping stove in case electricity goes out.

There is nothing you can do about weather except accept it and carry on.

 - Jack Harlow